Tradable Symbols

Trading months
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUI Future FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUIW1 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUIW2 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUIW3 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUIW6 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUIW9 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUI Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Deci Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUIW4 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUS Future FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL P.US.BBUS Put option FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL C.US.BBUS Call option FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUSW1 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUSW3 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUSW2 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUSW9 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUSW6 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
BBUS Bitnomial (BTN) Deliverable Bitcoin US Dollar -- BTNL F.US.BBUSW4 Calendar spread FGHJKMNQUVXZ
CC1V NYMEX Emissions (NGX)

CBL Californi Carbon Allowance V21 -- NYMGEX

F.US.CC1V Future
CC2V NYMEX Emissions (NGX)

CBL Californi Carbon Allowance V22 -- NYMGEX

F.US.CC2V Future
CC3V NYMEX Emissions (NGX)

CBL Californi Carbon Allowance V23 -- NYMGEX

F.US.CC3V Future
CGO NYMEX Emissions (NGX)

CBL Global Emissions Offset C-GEO -- NYMGEX

F.US.CGOT3S1 Spread of Strips (average of leg prices)