Tradable Exchanges



Trade routing


B3 Brazilian Futures
BTNL Bitnomial Exchange
CBOT Chicago Board of Trade
CFE CBOE Futures Exchange
CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Coinbase Derivatives Coinbase Derivatives
COMEX Commodity Exchange
ICE Endex Intercontinental Exchange
ICE Futures US Intercontinental Exchange
ICE Futures US - Canadian Grains Intercontinental Exchange
MGEX Minneapolis Grain Exchange
Montreal Exchange Montreal Exchange
NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange
Small Exchange Small Exchange


Abaxx Exchange Abaxx Exchange
APEX Asia Pacific Exchange
ASX Australian Securities Exchange Derivatives (formerly Sydney Futures Exchange)
Bursa Malaysia Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange
CFFEX China Financial Futures Exchange
DCE Dalian Commodity Exchange
FEX Financial & Energy Exchange (FEX)
HKEX Hong Kong Futures Exchange
HNX Hanoi Stock Exchange
ICE Futures Singapore ICE Futures Singapore
INE Shanghai International Energy Exchange
JPX Japan Exchange Group (OSE,TOCOM, TSE)
KRX Korea Exchange
SGX SGX Derivatives Exchange
SHFE Shanghai Futures Exchange
TFX Tokyo Financial Exchange
ZCE Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

Digital Assets

CBOE Digital CBOE Digital


Borsa Istanbul Borsa Istanbul
DGCX Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange
DME Dubai Mercantile Exchange
EEX EEX Agricultural Derivatives
Eurex Eurex
Euronext Euronext Derivatives
Euronext Milan Euronext Milan All Markets
ICE Futures Abu Dhabi ICE Futures Abu Dhabi
ICE Futures Europe ICE Futures Europe Commodities
ICE Futures Europe Financials
JSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange Derivatives
LME London Metal Exchange
MEFF Spanish Derivatives
NASDAQ Nordic Derivatives

Fixed Income

BrokerTec Cash Treasury Pricing Service
Dealerweb Dealerweb
Fenics Fenics U.S. Treasuries
Jump Liquidity US Cash Treasuries
Liquidity Edge US Cash Treasuries